Tuesday, 27 August 2019


1.    Boxes comprise 4 or 5 players.  Players shall play each other in the same box once during the prescribed period (generally one month).  Matches are to be arranged by the players themselves at their mutual convenience.
2.    Matches shall be played for a period of 55 minutes each excluding the time taken for knock up.
3.    The score is the number of games won by each player.
4.    Scores to be emailed to the organiser as soon as possible and before the end of the prescribed period.
5.    Result in each box is decided by the total number of games won.  In the event of a tie the positions are decided according to the result of matches between the tied players.  Thereafter if necessary game difference will be taken into consideration.
6.    Boxes for the next month will be adjusted on the basis of one up one down from the previous month.  But adjustments will be made for players entering or leaving the league at the discretion of the organiser.
7.    Players completing less than two matches in any month will be automatically removed from the league unless they positively affirm their continued interest by emailing the organiser before the next months boxes are published.
8.    Players are welcome to enter or leave the league for one or more periods to suit their personal commitments, but must advise the organiser by email in good time.  Their re-entry point is at the discretion of the organiser.
9.    A points competition will run over the year commencing in September.  Points will be allocated according to the number of games won each month.  The number of points will be adjusted pro-rata according to the number of opponents in the box to allow for withdrawals and differing box sizes.  Players completing less than two matches will not score, unless this is due to the withdrawal of others. There will be  awards for the top finishing lady and gentleman.

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